The GameTools Project in the Press

  • 2 July 2007 - "GameTools Project" Pixel ( - No. 127/128. ATLANTIDA Publishing, ISSN 1211-5401. (article in Czech language) .
  • 1 June 2007 - "GAMETOOLS: nouvelles avancées pour les jeux vidéo" (GAMETOOLS : new developments for the video games), Limousin Université, June, p 15.
  • 5 May 2007 – "GameTools Project – Realism and Virtual Quality for Games", eStrategies Europe, British Publishers Ltd., May, pp 23-25.
  • 3 May 2007 - "GameTools - Út az új generációs számítógépes játékokhoz (GameTools - Way to new generation computer games)", Magyar Gazdaság Hungarian Economy), May, pp 34-35.
  • 5 November 2006 - "Kostenlose Grafikwerkzeuge für Spieleentwicklung" - GTP news on the FrontPage of the Game - Tank (Game Tank is Austria's most important online platform and news portal for digital games.
  • 8 September 2006 - CORDIS Wire, About Gametools Project.
  • 10 July 2006 - TV presentation - >Duna TV, Programme: Heureka (popular scientific magazine). Hungary. GTP part starts at 22h:10s.
  • 3 March 2006 - "AIJU Aplica resultados del proyecto europeo GameTools". Article published in AIJU's Magazine, a technical magazine with an audience of 465 companies from Spain.
  • 1 March 2006 - "Interview with Xavier Carrillo". Interview in Spanish published in, an on-line videogame magazine.
  • 7 February 2006 - "Digital Legends presentará dos juegos inéditos en el E3". Article in Spanish published in, an on-line videogame magazine.
  • 7 January 2006 - "Joves firmes catalanes de videojocs irrompen en el mercat mundial". Article in Catalan from Dossier Economic de Catalunya, an economical catalan magazine.
  • 26 May 2005 - Interview on the TV Programme "Tecnopolis" forecasted by Hispasat (Europe and America).
  • 24 February, 2005 - Interview on the TV Programme "Contraseńas" forecasted by Hispasat (Europe and America).
  • 19 January, 2005 - "Un equip de la UdG lidera un projecte europeu per dotar els videojocs de major realisme". Article in Catalan from Diari de Girona, a general Catalan newspaper.
  • 10 January, 2005 - "El Instituto del Juguete desarrolla sistemas para mejorar el efecto de realidad virtual en videojuegos". Article in Spanish from Las Provincias, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 10 January, 2005 - "AIJU participa en un proyecto para la mejora de los efectos realísticos de entornos virtuales". Article published in AIJU's Magazine, a technical magazine with an audience of 465 companies from Spain.
  • 8 January, 2005 - "AIJU perfecciona la imagen en 3D para video-juegos". Article in Spanish from Diario de Valencia, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 8 January, 2005 - "Expertos del Instituto Tecnológico del Juguete investigan en Ibi un sistema para dotar de más realismo a los videojuegos". Article in Spanish from El Mundo, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 8 January, 2005 - "El Instituto del Juguete de Alicante mejora los efectos 3D". Article in Spanish from Las Provincias, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 8 January, 2005 - "El Instituto del Juguete investiga para dar realismo a los videojuegos". Article in Spanish from La Verdad, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 8 January, 2005 - "AIJU desarrolla sistemas para dar más realismo a los videojuegos". Article in Spanish from Levante, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 30 November, 2004 - "La ciencia juega a afinar la realidad virtual". Article in Spanish from El Mundo, Suplemento de Valencia, a general Spanish newspaper.
  • 16 November, 2004 - "La UPV participa en un proyecto que dará realismo los videojuegos". Article in Spanish from Mini Diario de la Comunidad Valenciana, a general Spanish newspaper.