JungleRumble is a GameTools demogame that was created by a small team (2 programmers and 1 artist) of talented students at Vienna University of Technology, to showcase GameTools Depth Imposters and Raytrace Effects; Jungle Rumble uses its own Direct3D 9 engine.
Depth Imposters solve the problem of conventional flat, semitransparent decals intersecting with opaque scene geometry, which normally shatters their volumetric illusion.
Raytrace Effects employ actual raytracing on the GPU to give much improved quality for reflection and refraction effects apllied to arbitrarily shaped geometry, especially if the reflected/refracted objects are near the reflector/refractor.
In Jungle Rumble, Raytrace Effects are used on several objects, which can also be moving (see "Raining..." and "Surprise!" level, respectively). Depth Imposter are used for explosions, lava-fire (see "Volcano" level) and for the partcicle effects of the Flamethrower and Ice-Gun (press "4" and "5" to activate them).
Have fun :-)
Click here to download Jungle Rumble.